on intercalary july 14 , he had a coming-of-age ceremony , and was appointed as hyobu no gon no taifu (supernumerary assistance administrator of hyobusho ministry of military ). 閏7月14日、元服し、兵部権大輔に任官。
november 19 , he also assumed chugu (fujiwara no kishi as the emperor godaigo ' s empress; sanekane saionji ' s daughter ) gon no suke (supernumerary assistance administrator of the chugushiki government office ). 11月9日、中宮(西園寺実兼の娘、後醍醐天皇中宮藤原禧子)権亮を兼任。
after the meiji restoration , the theory of saisei icchi became popular around a scholar of japanese classical literature , kokugaku hirata who followed fukko shinto (returning to the ancient shinto ), and then , senkyoshi (missionary ) was established in jingikan (department of worship ) in august 15 , 1869 , and tadayasu nakayama was appointed as a administrator of missionary work and bisei fukuba was appointed as assistance administrator of missionary work . 明治維新後、復古神道を奉じる平田国学の国学者を中心に祭政一致論が高まり、明治2年7月8日_(旧暦)に神祇官内に宣教使が設置され、宣教長官に中山忠能・同次官に福羽美静が任命された。