assistance administrator 意味

  • 次官{じかん}


  1. on intercalary july 14 , he had a coming-of-age ceremony , and was appointed as hyobu no gon no taifu (supernumerary assistance administrator of hyobusho ministry of military ).
  2. november 19 , he also assumed chugu (fujiwara no kishi as the emperor godaigo ' s empress; sanekane saionji ' s daughter ) gon no suke (supernumerary assistance administrator of the chugushiki government office ).
  3. after the meiji restoration , the theory of saisei icchi became popular around a scholar of japanese classical literature , kokugaku hirata who followed fukko shinto (returning to the ancient shinto ), and then , senkyoshi (missionary ) was established in jingikan (department of worship ) in august 15 , 1869 , and tadayasu nakayama was appointed as a administrator of missionary work and bisei fukuba was appointed as assistance administrator of missionary work .


        administrator:     administrator n. 管理者; 行政官. 【動詞+】 The Wharton School of Business has trained many of our administrators. ウォートンビジネススクールは私たちの多くの行政官を養成してきた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an able administrator 有能な行政官 a
        assistance:     assistance n. 援助, 補助. 【動詞+】 accept assistance 援助を受け入れる He generously afforded us assistance. 親切にも私たちを授助してくれた beg sb's assistance 人の助けを頼む call for medical assistance 医療上の援
        by the assistance of:    ~の助けを借りて
        of assistance:    《be ~》助けになる、役に立つ、役立つ、力になる I am sorry that I cannot be of assistance. お役に立てず残念です。
        of assistance to:    《be ~》~の助けになる、~の役に立つ、~に役立つ、~の力になる
        with the assistance of:    ~の助け[援助{えんじょ}]で[により]、~の助けを借りて、~の助力{じょりょく}を受けて、~の後援{こうえん}の下に、~のおかげで、~と協力{きょうりょく}して、~を用いて、~を活用{かつよう}して We'll buy a house with the aid [assistance, help] of a loan. ローンを利用して家を買う予定だ。
        able administrator:    有能{ゆうのう}な行政官{ぎょうせいかん}
        administrator bond:    管財人証{かんざいにん しょう}
        administrator for property:    財産管理人{ざいさん かんりにん}
        administrator host:    管理{かんり}ホスト
        administrator in bankruptcy:    破産管財人{はさん かんざいにん}、破産管理人{はさん かんりにん}
        administrator mode:    管理者{かんりしゃ}モード
        administrator of a manor:    administrator of a manor 荘司 しょうじ
        administrator of a museum:    博物館{はくぶつかん}の管理者{かんりしゃ}
        administrator of a school:    学校経営者{がっこう けいえいしゃ}


  1. "assist working couples in their child care" 意味
  2. "assist-control ventilation" 意味
  3. "assistance" 意味
  4. "assistance (in a fight)" 意味
  5. "assistance activities for pregnant women and infants" 意味
  6. "assistance and encouragement" 意味
  7. "assistance and subsidies" 意味
  8. "assistance at the largest scale" 意味
  9. "assistance based on collaboration and cooperation with the international community" 意味
  10. "assistance (in a fight)" 意味
  11. "assistance activities for pregnant women and infants" 意味
  12. "assistance and encouragement" 意味
  13. "assistance and subsidies" 意味

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